Humans - Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay
I believe we should all be helping each other by doing what we do best.
On my side, I love to gather the best resources and create summaries of ideas. I based my last 3 businesses on this ability: summarizing spiritual concepts, company missions for introductory videos and people's life purpose.
This is my summary of the current Covid-19 situation.
The goal of this article is to gather the information and resources that lead to understand what’s really going on in the world right now, in opposition with what the media tells you.
It won't be easy to digest, but I will try hard to make it easy to understand.
I heard the points of view of the main media (you can't really miss that one, can you?), the points of view of some scientists, some economists, some people using systems, some spiritual movements along with the conspiracies around this extraordinary situation.
I tried to provide as many sources as I can, but I’m not Wikipedia so please be indulgent.
I spent a good chunk of my free time creating this article because I believe our freedom is currently under serious threat, and I want to play my part to defend it.
Mental fatigue
This research was painful.
Not only because of what it revealed, but also because the reach of this topic is touching us at a deep level.
When you hear the argumentation of someone that has a different take on this situation, you reconsider your own beliefs, your own truths, your own identity.
You reconsider your whole future, either for a better version of it or for a much worse.
When you believe a new element is true, there is often friction when you try to integrate it with your current beliefs.
And when figuring out your own identity isn't difficult enough, you argue with your friends and family.
You've probably been through this, it's difficult. You can't reevaluate your belief system several times a day without feeling stressed, it wasn't designed for this. But it was worth it as we have now all these ideas in one place.
An intention to harm humans at scale
I feel the first step is to realize that as humans, we are absorbing high amounts of toxicity on a daily basis. It has been going on for decades.
This happens on all 7 levels of toxicity, which dramatically weakens our bodies (categories listed by Dr Rashid Buttar).
The point that I want to make with the listing below is that this poisoning goes beyond the financial decisions of ruthless CEOs to make more money.
I would like you to see for yourself with this long and disturbing list that there is a clear intention to harm us.
Heavy metals
Heavy metals turn out to be quite present in our environments. From the lead of the cars’ combustion of fossil fuels to pesticides, mercury in dental amalgam, the list goes on.
Here is below a useful chart from the National Center for Biotechnology Information, showing the types of heavy metals and their effect on human health with their permissible limits.
Persistent organic pollutants
From Wikipedia: "Sometimes known as "forever chemicals", they are organic compounds resistant to environmental degradation. Many persistent organic pollutants are currently or were in the past used as pesticides, solvents, pharmaceuticals, and industrial chemicals."
The list of these pollutants here and their effects are scary. You find them everywhere, food included.
We are served lethal compounds on a daily basis. The fluoride was introduced in the water system after the second world war “to reduce tooth decay”.
It is a dangerous element that make you docile and stupid at high doses, used in the Nazi concentration camps.
You can also find Fluoride in toothpaste among other poisons.
Screenshot from the Yuka app - food & cosmetic scanner
The pineal gland is a major target for fluoride accumulation in humans.
Aluminum also rains on people through geoengineering. Here is an article where the US are "almost recognizing" their chem trails research and development.
Turns out, these chemicals are not brought to our environment by accident. Aside from weakening our bodies, their target is our pineal gland, which is the small organ between our eyes that connects us to our spiritual side.
When aluminum and persistent organic pollutants lock in the human body, several chemical compound responses occur, and they make their way toward the pineal gland - just like the fluoride.
Why do we find so much chemicals into cigarettes?
Why do we find such deadly chemicals in deodorants?
Screenshot from the Yuka app - food & cosmetic scanner
Screenshot from the Yuka app - food & cosmetic scanner
The food in general went through such changes in the last decades to make more margin that it doesn't make any sense anymore. This goes as far as the cheapest options for honey, strawberry jam or cheese not actually containing any real honey, strawberry or cheese.
This category refers to bacterias and viruses, parasites. These are not enough virulent in their natural state so they used people like Dr Judy Mikovits to make them stronger, in high security labs around the world. One of these is in Wuhan, and that's what Covid-19 is right now - a few copy-paste sequences from various organisms, man-made.
Dr Judy Mikovits says on a video that when she started to tell publicly about her job of creating virulent viruses, she was put in jail for 5 years with no reason (this video keeps getting censored by Youtube, so I have no link for this one - look it up).
Regardless of the current situation, viruses and bacterias are the building blocks of our immune system. So if we keep washing our hands and sterilize everything, wear a mask and isolate ourselves, then when we will go out again, our chances to actually get sick by any virus or bacteria out there increases dramatically as we weakened our system during weeks and months…
This refers to electromagnetic radiations - like the ambient cellphones or wireless speakers radiations.
4G is 10 times faster than 3G, and 5G is predicted to be 1000 times faster than our current systems. 5G is a microwaves technology that reaches 10Gz-200Gz meaning millimeter wavelengths or smaller.
So what's the issue with 5G?
Well, turns out a machine uses the same technology and the same frequency. It's called Active Denial System (ADS), and it's a military weapon for crowd control.
These machines are currently being placed all over your neighborhood - you can thank your operator for the “faster connection” you will soon receive in the face.
If you want to see if your city is already equipped with some - there is a good chance it is - you can use this map.
These frequencies are so powerful that they will manipulate the ability for the substances to move through your cells membranes, it will separate the iron from the hemoglobin and create a whole lot of other destructive reactions inside our bodies at least at a cellular level, leading to cancers etc.
Consequently, 5G will affect the capacity of all humans to connect to their life force, their spiritual connection by making us weak and sick.
If you want to hear more about 5G, here is a good documentary that hasn’t been taken down yet called “5G Apocalypse - The extinction event”. Just watch the last 3 minutes for a summary.
It seems there is also a real hurry to deploy as many 5G devices as possible during this pandemic. The last words of the article tend to not make me feel comfortable, when Telecom companies say: “We’re going to need faster connectivity to be able to perform the fundamental tasks that need to be done to keep people safe, informed and healthy.”
Marketing 101: When you know what your audience may think of your product, change that by hammering the opposite message…
As a landmark of their world conquest, 5G has been deployed on mount Everest at the end of April 2020, during full pandemic. What that really necessary??
5G antenna at 6,500m on mount Everest
More data on you, not for you
Another angle on 5G from Robert F. Kennedy Jr.:
5G is a system of data harnessing and surveillance. They're investing a trillion dollars in this, and people won't pay big money for faster download times.
However, because more and more devices will be connected to the internet - the IoT - all these devices will gather huge amounts of information on us, and that is worth big money for advertisers.
Pandemics linked to new tech waves?
Some says that every pandemic in the last 100 years followed a major electromagnetic new technology - radio, radar, and the various levels of mobile phone technologies.
Aside from the radio AM broadcasting that began around 1920 - at the same time as the Spanish flu that killed about 500 million people - the other pandemic timings were not related with the other technology deployments.
This idea that our bodies needed to adapt to a new type of wave technology was pretty sexy and it could make sense, but by doing a basic search I couldn’t make it work.
I still believe that we need to “increase our vibrations”, but let’s keep that for later in the article.
Emotional and psychological
The media is broadcasting 24/7 scary news and apocalyptic scenarios directly to your home.
Let’s then ask ourselves what does constant fear and stress do to our bodies?
It decreases our immune system.
Terrorists are by definition the ones who reign terror, in which case the media is clearly the one qualifying for the role here.
So what happened when you feel in danger, stressed out and separated from your loved ones?
You don't think clearly, and you would do anything that would ensure you to get back to your normal situation. You would accept anything, even downloading an app to track you day and night, or accepting a vaccine that hasn't been tested…
So don't isolate yourself from others, don't stay at home without sunlight and fresh air while watching the news. Doing this doesn’t make you a “hero”. You're just making yourself weak and unhappy, which you probably realized by now.
Also, forcing people to go out only once a day is not about health, it's about control.
Wearing a face mask reduces the flow of oxygen you get, which causes a physiological stress in your body. Along with this, the symbolism of wearing a mask is also pretty heavy:
- There is no more human expressions, no smiles.
- Everyone looks the same so no one is unique anymore.
- You play the game of suppressing your freedom of speech.
Food processes
This relates to pasteurization, genetic modifications, radiations, colorants, conservatives etc…
Do we really need a chemical cocktail to enhance what we put in our mouths?
I saw a Netflix documentary where an expert in tomatoes was saying that "People don't mind if it doesn't taste much, because they’re adding salt and oil to the tomatoes anyway".
Really? Does that make any sense?
The fruits and veggies are designed for shock resistance during transport and extended conservation in the supermarket, not for taste.
As they do this for every fruit and vegetables, it dulls our lives. Our food basically just tastes either salty or sweet.
Do I need to go into where meat comes from and how many health risks are associated with it, not counting the environment impact?
The facts page from the Netflix documentary with all the links is here. However, the vast majority of links are not working anymore, most pages were removed. What a surprise.
I had to go to the internet archive to find one of the examples where the American Diabetes Association advertised a recipe with bacon on their site.
First of all, in many countries governments prevented people from gathering in their respective temples and churches. This is a dark trick, breaking the spiritual moral code of many people who could use it in these difficult times.
Which leads to the question “How do you define yourself and your own sovereignty?” (watch this interesting interview of Sacha Stone).
Science worked hard for decades to rationalize things and prove us that there is no such thing as spirituality.
As "smart people", we should only believe in science otherwise we are socially ridiculed.
However when you actually use your brain and follow science closely, its conclusions are more often than not just temporary, as they update them according to new research, changing the "scientific conclusions" on a daily basis.
So when science itself changes its conclusion on a topic today, it admits it was “wrong” yesterday.
Yet most people believe in science like it is “the immutable truth”.
It is not, science reconsiders its truths all the time according to the latest studies!
The main problem with this generalized intellectual and scientific way of seeing life is that it considers that everything is dead. The sun is just burning, the trees happen to grow with the right conditions and animals have no conscience.
Compare that with what a young child believes: Everything is alive! The sun, the trees, the animals.
But for adults, everything is dead.
The separation model
This old underlying model of separation in our society turns out to be the cause of most of our problems:
If we believe that we are separated and competing between each other, and if nature is just a random mess, it's normal to feel that we need to dominate to survive.
Comes our monetary system that encourages technology advancement and everlasting growth.
Exponential control over nature and people follows.
Competition and jealousy become standard attitudes, which reinforce the idea of separation and scarcity.
We've been following this old model for a long time. As a result, we isolated ourselves from our spiritual part, from our neighbors and from nature.
Because we suffer from this isolation on various levels, we artificially replace our need for connection by buying goods and services.
But as they don’t fulfill us, we never have enough of them and all kinds of addictions come to fill our void.
Instead, we need to embrace a new model of connection, sustainability and collaboration.
With these new values in our society, wars, hate and scarcity simply disappear.
Virus cases numbers
Let's go back to our corona situation.
When a cell is poisoned, it releases some elements to warn the other cells of what’s happening, called viruses. Covid-19 is one of these. They're just calling a natural process Covid-19, a pandemic. So obviously there are lots of positive as the tests test for a common genetic thing most of us have.
The cell can be poisoned by many things, including stress, fear or electro-magnetic waves like 5G.
Now, the people responsible for this pandemic (more on this below) didn't have enough people dying to justify a lockdown.
So they increased the number of cases by testing people in hospitals in late stages of cancer, heart failure etc…
They encouraged old people in hospitals to sign "Do not resuscitate" forms.
So the number of Covid-19 deaths increased a lot, but they're just changed the category of the cause of death, while the total number of death hasn't really changed.
But to get more real deaths, doctors tell their patients who were supposed to have an operation that it has been cancelled to makes space for Covid-19 patients… this way the ones with serious condition die, increasing the total number of deaths.
But even with these inhuman measures, they can’t get the numbers high enough, the hospitals are mostly empty and doctors and nurses are being laid-off.
Yes, seriously.
Testing doesn't make sense
If you follow the money, it's easy to figure out part of what's going on.
Speaking of conflicts of interest, here is a good one: The test makers are the same ones who make the vaccines… so obviously they want you to test positive, so that more people will want to buy their future vaccines.
“If you had a flu shot, you are going to test positive for Covid-19.” I went through 15 pages of Google results and not one article was relating this fact, you will need to trust Dr Buttar on that one. You can check the audio I downloaded from one of his videos that was censored on my previous article here.
To add to the overall joke, they tested in Tanzania the covid-19 tests they received and find out that goats, sheep and pawpaws test positive too. Here is a short video and article about it.
A lab-grown virus
There is no doubt now that the corona virus has been developed in a lab. Add to this a clear will to censor any research on the subject that could oppose the official narrative. I had to go down to page 4 on Google to find an article from this French Nobel Prize winner saying that the corona virus contains small sequences from HIV, the AIDS virus and that evidences and research papers on this matter are being suppressed.
Patents of corona virus and its vaccine already registered?
It seems the pressure is on, as if you go to this patent website, they even have a disclaimer to deny that fact.
Pirbright, the company owning the patent, also has a disclaimer on the page showing that even though one of their major stakeholder is the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation, there is no relation to the current corona virus.
Censorship to control the narrative
Youtube, Facebook and the other social media platforms use censorship to a dangerous level, taking down any videos that doesn't support the narrative of the main media.
The freedom of speech is clearly missing.
It clearly proves that the content that banned videos deliver is linked to the truth. It also shows a clear disrespect about our freedom of speech.
The videos on Youtube or Facebook have to respect the "community guidelines". So what many of us recently realized is that putting into question the government orders or the official narrative around the virus was not respectful of these guidelines.
Main actors
There is no secret that the World Health Organization (WHO) is highly involved. The WHO declared the pandemic, tell the governments what measures to follow and give the official version of the narrative.
As for the main actors, you can’t miss Bill Gates with his foundation, his will to vaccinate and tag people like the jews among other projects - see pictures below for what to expect in a few months.
Joseph Alexander holocaust tattoo story.
Nanotech is here.
Here are the links between the WHO director and Bill Gates, Clinton foundation, Dr Fauci and China.
I would prefer to not dive into the main actors, their New World Order and their practices in this article. It goes pretty dark and I feel it would take away from the main point of this article. Maybe for next one.
The agenda
So if this whole Covid-19 situation is made up, what is the intention behind it?
First, it's an excuse to create confusion at a global level and see how people react when we tell them what to do. You can guess from here that this Covid-19 pandemic won’t be their last move… there will be more, probably in the next few months.
The 201 Event
What a coincidence… these guys above ran a simulation of a virus pandemic just a couple of months before it happened.
This is not a fake news, you can find a debriefing here. Ups, it has been removed, how convenient.
Here is the official video.
“The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation hosted Event 201, a high-level pandemic exercise on October 18, 2019, in New York, NY.”
Full control on populations
This Covid-19 scam has been created to accelerate the coming of a police State, just like what they have in China with the point system.
The idea is that if you don't comply with what the government tells you to do, you can be banned from flying, using train, getting credits... Have a read of this article above if you're not familiar with this already-running Chinese system. You will get a clearer idea of what's coming to your country.
Tracking and recording your internet search history, all your messages and bank accounts is not enough anymore. They hope that this fear climate will be enough to make you download an app so they know exactly who you see and who you meet.
They want you to stay in fear listening to the news, staying at home “for your own good” and not seeing your close ones. This intends to increase your stress, which leads to decrease dramatically your immunity, which leads to you getting sick from any disease out there.
Add to this the deployment of 5G that will weaken us even more at a cellular level.
The 6666 bill
Talking about "evil" facts, a bill called "6666" was passed on May 1st 2020.
That’s for real… still don’t believe in “signs”, or in this case clear signatures?
This bill allows the Secretary of Health and Human Services to come to your house, test you, quarantine you - or your kid or any family member.
Remember the test has a high chance of giving you a false positive, so even if you don't have this Covid-19, you most probably will be positive to their tests.
Also, if you're at home, your family is already contaminated so it doesn't make any sense to isolate any family member…
Mandatory vaccines leading to depopulation
Once you're really tired of being isolated, the government will offer you to get a vaccine to be allowed to get your life back… so you will want that vaccine.
Here are a few notes from a talk with Robert F. Kennedy Jr:
1986 was the start of the wild wild west with vaccines. Kids in the US now get at least 14 vaccines, most of them before they reach 1 year old - see picture below.
According to Dr. Buttar, it doesn’t make sense to vaccinate kids before at least 3 to 4 years old - sometimes up to 14 years old - as their immune system is not ready yet.
Each vaccine required in the US brings about 1B$ per year to the pharmaceutical companies.
Only 4 companies produce these vaccines: Sanofi, Merck, Glaxo, Pfizer.
In the last 10 years those 4 companies paid 35B$ in civil and penal penalties.
That’s 35,000 million dollars paid in just 10 years because their drugs harmed and killed people.
How big do you want the red flag to be??
Robert F. Kennedy Jr went through more than 60 studies to find out if vaccinated kids are healthier than unvaccinated kids. Turns out, they're not in many ways. Vaccinated kids have 30 times more allergic rhinitis, they have more diabetes, asthma etc.
For example the Hepatitis vaccine of 20 years ago contained a lot of mercury, which led to 1,135% more cases of autism 5 years later on the kids who were vaccinated. That’s 11 times more.
You may think now that doctors, because they went through long studies in med school are well trained on vaccines? Not at all. They’re just being taught that vaccines work, and they actually get more training on how to convince parents to vaccinate their child than on what’s in the vaccines.
You can check this and this article about this nonsense.
Now a “fun” fact: In the US, the only products that are indemnified from liability are guns and vaccines, meaning you can not sue the manufacturer when one or the other kills you.
Here is now Bill Gates on depopulation by vaccination.
You read that right.
If this video get censored down the line, just search for the terms above, you should find some content on it.
According to him and his friends, as we are way too many on Earth, the idea is to reduce the population. Bill Gates tackle this challenge with the wish to vaccinate all 7 billion people.
This follows massive campaigns of sterilization (here is a shocking report on the sterilization camps in India).
All this under the cover of his humanitarian association called “Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation” written in a very elegant font.
Note that this foundation is $50B strong. With this money you have governments under your thumb.
Universal Basic Income (UBI)
Now what’s next on their agenda? Making sure people run out of money, so they can give them just enough to survive and avoid rebellions, and have a total financial control on them.
Thing is, you can't crash people if they are earning their own money. So with the virus, they're killing 3/4 of the jobs - all the small and medium businesses - which soon will be dependent on the financial help of the government.
There is an impoverishment process of the whole middle class in the Occidental world. It looks a lot like what the banking system did to the Third world through the International Monetary Fund in South East Asia, in Latin America, then later to Greece and now to Europe.
This will dramatically increase the inequalities within the countries, with a majority of people really poor living in ghettos and a rich minority living in closed areas with security and cameras. Haiti illustrate this well (view from Youssef Hindi).
I actually loved the idea of a UBI - giving free money to everyone unconditionally - as I believe not everyone needs to work for society to be fulfilled. The UBI impacts are great.
But the upcoming UBI is filled with control and totally distorted.
I believe everyone is unique with unique abilities to help others, and I personally work to wake up the spark in each person - more info here if you’re interested.
Unique digital money
The idea here is to move our entire monetary system on a digital currency.
No more cash - which certainly contains the Covid-19 - so good riddance right?
This way they will know what anyone is purchasing anywhere in the world, and be able to have their say with the points system mentioned above. See how to close the loop for control?
Here the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation joined a new payment platform with Google.
I will obviously not put my money into this Mojaloop Foundation, but I guess many will, out of ignorance.
What’s in the pipeline
Here are a few screenshots from the 2020 spring tech news, to have an idea where money is invested.
Microsoft will know exactly what you buy, where and when.
More tracking for Microsoft.
Microsoft in the telecommunications market
Microsoft will soon spy if you're sick when you make calls - conducting provider-to-patient virtual visits.
I guess they will do that first with your consent, then as they do with the tracking apps, put the default settings ON.
See how far that goes?
Microsoft will provide cloud services to Poland:
A step up to gain more control directly on governments.
Who is making a killing on the crisis? (no pun intended)
So far you already sense that pharmaceutical companies will make billions of dollars from their vaccines, with the opportunity to hook us - with the help of their media friends - into a vicious circle of more fear, leading to weakened immune systems, leading to more deaths, leading to more excuses to get more vaccines.
But I would like to draw your attention on a pure financial scam that is ongoing right now.
Here is a quick summary of a video by Pascal Borel (it’s in French) that highlights how governments and banks are profiting financially from this crisis.
The Federal Reserve Bank of America (the FED) is currently printing money like crazy so the government can buy most of the private market through special purpose vehicles like the CPFF, PMCCF, PALF, SMCCF.
In the US the politicians have now the legal tools to do such a move.
To do that they use private societies like BlackRock - the biggest fund management company worldwide.
This is set up with the intention to save the economy, but this is a big lie as the "real economy" is composed of small and medium businesses, people who work and produce value.
These SMEs barely get any help from the government.
What the government is actually saving is the market economy, the shares of the investors, the big banks who don't produce anything.
We need to understand that the condition for a revolutionary change in a country is the junction of the middle and lower classes.
By killing the SMEs (the entrepreneurs, the middle class), they’re killing those with revolutionary potential and thus prevent reforms and real change.
To understand this ongoing massive fraud, we need to understand that the value of a currency in a country is based on 3 points:
- the value of the citizens' work in the country. It's a finite quantity and seriously hit since people are staying at home now.
- the quality of infrastructures including buildings, airports, telecommunications… It's also a finite quantity.
- tangible assets like gold. It's again a finite quantity.
Because the government injects money into the system, while the real value of the currency is actually going down, it will lead to a massive devaluation of the currency. This means that the value of everyone's savings in the bank will decrease because of this anti-constitutional move.
For instance, with the government printing twice more money than the value of the actual economy, if you have now $100,000 in your bank, it will only be worth after devaluation of the currency $50,000.
So basically the government - but in concrete terms your savings - are being used to sustain all the professional investors.
I'm sure you love the idea.
If you're not an American citizen, rest assured. The monetary policies are pretty much the same everywhere, this will also happen in your country.
So there is really a fight here between the workers and the real economy, against the fictional economy with the banking system.
This process of destruction of the middle class will lead to either a total submission of the country in a form of a banking, digital and health dictature, or it will lead to the junction of the middle class with the more rebellious lower class, which can lead to a shift.
Now as a reminder we, the people, we are not here to serve the government or the financial institutions. They are supposed to serve us.
Finally, they invented the word "public debt" to put this on our shoulders, but it is a "political debt", we're not responsible for this.
I’m obviously not the only one trying to figure out this situation.
Here are some of the courageous people I had the pleasure to read or watch.
A Russian general speaking about the corona situation.
Sara Cunial, an Italian Congress woman exposes Bill Gates vaccine scam.
The London Real platform interviews people who would get immediately censured.
Priests saying that there are powers that use the virus to reach for world domination.
The “Pourquoi pas?” channel has a solid resource video in French.
The Plandemic movie - that not surprisingly doesn’t even show in my Google results.
Charles Eisenstein - Follow his great essays on his site.
Sacha Stone - He’s doing many interviews, some are still available on Youtube.
What you can do now
We actually do have a kind of deadline here:
We need to come together and call it what it is in the next 6 months - up to early 2021 - or they will start to roll out massive vaccination campaigns that will hurt and weaken the whole humanity big time.
I feel that right now the most important thing is to recognize that we are all in this together, and to identify our common enemy: The WHO, Bill Gates, his friends and most governments.
Once we reach that critical mass of people understanding what is going on, we will be able to gather solutions and take a different direction from their evil agenda.
So please share this article to a friend or family member.
Think of someone that would be open to consider a different point of view.
The more we are to identify and understand this agenda, the stronger we are.
You should get out and get more sun.
People with darker skin have more melanin, which protects them from the sun. But if you stay most of your time inside - without taking any vitamin D supplements - you are dramatically vitamin D deficient, which leads to more severe cases if you get the Covid-19.
So yes, darker skin people are more vulnerable to this pandemic as it pushes you to stay home, making you more vitamin D deficient and more prone to diseases.
Was this by design? Up to you to make your own conclusion. Video source is here, from Joe Rogan interview with Dr. Rhonda Patrick.
Watch this interview with Sacha Stone ↓
It is an advanced but beautifully articulated message that complements well this article.
Whatever action you want to take, keep this statistic in mind:
Nonviolent protests are 2 times more effective than violent protests, according to a study of all civil protest actions from 1900 to 2006.
Here is a great TED talk about nonviolent civil resistance.
An anti-lockdown rally in Toronto, Canada, on April 25, 2020.
Governments only wait for violence from us so they can start a martial law and make us stay home etc, so let’s not give it to them.
Finally, you could meditate on unity, gratitude and love.
Love for the Earth and gratitude for this long-awaited transition into a new system.
A conspiracy article?
The "Conspiracy theorist" term was invented by the CIA to discredit people who disagreed with the verdict on the Kennedy assassination.
So if you think critically by yourself, you are automatically labeled as a conspiracy theorist, and thus discredited?
Pretty smart move, but you can take it.
You can see through now.
This part is inspired from an interview with Charles Eisenstein.
Civilization defines progress as an increasing control on the world and on others - to control the people, the terrorists, the narrative, the weeds, the bugs etc… This system, this ideology of control is so strong that it's making us all slaves to control our environment and getting rewarded financially for it.
So just removing the bad actors (Bill Gates & co) will never solve the problem completely.
The main goal of this article was to identify and agree on the fact that there is a clear intention of depopulation and control by the richest of this world.
But we need to go further, as focusing on the conspiracy theory is not a fundamental revolution, as it's still exploring the territory of separation, of control.
The dead-end of our current world story of separation and control requires that we reach outside of it, in a larger way.
It requires us to include what the dominant story of the world encoded in science says is impossible.
This would include for instance alternative medicines, but even further to include our precognitive dreams, the psychic phenomena some of us experience, our mystical experiences and healings, the indigenous technologies with the plants, the incredible synchronicities that blow our mind but still happened.
These truths not yet explained scientifically are crying for attention.
It’s time to open up to these truths. This will create a vast and new perspective that will lead to a new world story of connection, sustainability and collaboration.
This Covid-19 situation is just the first step. Things might go back to some kind of normal for a little while, but we're just getting a taste of the dissolving of what we thought was real, or permanent, or normal.
And in the long run this is a good thing.
Now, if you want to go even further and close the loop, you need to acknowledge that all these evil events are our teachers.
As humans we mostly learn from our mistakes, we need to fall first to get it.
This world crisis is no different. This scary apocalyptic scenario is forcing the entire humanity to realize how we’ve been thinking, feeling and acting to arrive at such a critical point.
By extension, if you already choose wisely your thoughts, feelings and actions by considering the impact they will have on you, on others and on nature, nothing can happen to you because you’re already in tune with the new frequency.
Expanding our consciousness
This part is inspired from an interview with David Icke.
Spiritually, we have been manipulated to perceive the world only through our 5 senses, basically the head. The education and the media control this perception.
However our heart has another understanding, as it connects us to other senses that give us a much greater understanding on things.
Expanding our consciousness will allow us to see that we are powerful, a spark from the Universe and that the vision of the world through the lens of separation is way too tiny.
With an open mind towards spirituality and love in general, you get out of fear.
This rich elite, this cult is terrified by fearless people, because fear is their currency of control.
Their biggest fear is that humanity is awakening to what is going on, and who is really in control.
Once we realize that, their game is over.
To rule us they had to divide ourselves, “Divide and Conquer”, so they divided us in sexuality, races, religion, supporters of this or that sports team and so many other things.
But we are all one, we are all connected and experiencing this deep individual and collective transition together, for a better world.
So do what you feel is right.
Maybe it’s time to take a courageous stand for yourself, in spite of consequences, against those who have behaved irresponsibly.
Thank you for what you will do.