United in our differences


Have you noticed that we are so divided right now?

Some divisions are more obvious like sex, age or race…. and some are less visible like political affiliation or religion.

Some divisions are new, like people wearing a mask or not, people respecting the lockdowns or not, pro-vaccines or not.

So many divisions to divide us!

Now if we focus on our differences, competing against one another for everything, we won't go anywhere! We're social animals, remember?!

And I feel we are being 'divided and conquered', like that military strategy…

So yes, we're all different, but that's what cool about it.

I mean, as a job I help people discover the ideal career they could do online, and one of my foundations there is the belief that we're all unique, with unique abilities to serve people in a unique way.

So of course we're all different, but believing that our differences divide us… is just a point of view.

I'd like to share with you a simple perspective that I use, to break free from this division mindset:

What I do is that every time I see someone, anyone, I try to see a friend, a brother or sister, an ally who regardless of who they are or what they do, will soon be united with the rest of us, united to create a new system, more fair, more abundant, more peaceful.

Because that's where we're going, all together.

Wanna try it?! Look at a person around you, anyone…

Regardless of how different they might be to you, can you see through, and realize that this person will at some point fight on your side, defending life?

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